The Awesome Power of Affirmations

The Awesome Power of Affirmations   Guess what…we use affirmations all the time…   We are constantly thinking and telling ourselves a story…   Much of our thinking is automatic and unfortunately quite negative…worries, planning, rumination, dwelling and self-critical thinking.   Given that thoughts are powerful, why not take a little time to focus on how you would like life to be.   Hence…Affirmations.   “Daily affirmations offer a constant reminder of what you’re capable of and what you deserve. Staying focused on your wants and desires can help turn those ideals into reality.” ( Institute For Integrative Nutrition ) Try out the following Read More

Do The Next Right Thing

Do the next right thing - signposts

  We all go off track…   I heard the following this week…” I worked so hard and was perfect on my eating plan and the scale is still up! This just isn’t worth it.”   This is normal and part of every journey.   A more helpful response is: “Even if I’ve adhered to my eating and exercise program, the scale won’t go down every week, let alone every day. Just keep doing what I’m doing- moving in the right direction towards good healthy choices as much as possible”.   Especially regarding health, well-being and maintaining a healthy weight…it is Read More

Your Mind is Not Always Your Friend

Your Mind is Not Always Your Friend - says a blackboard

We all struggle to some extent with our thinking minds. As a fellow human being, I also struggle with managing my thoughts. Perhaps you have noticed that your mind… thinks a lot about the future, with many ‘what if’s’ or worst-case scenario thoughts can be quite self-critical, noticing and commenting on any mistakes or errors may have many ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’, putting pressure on oneself to do more and more dwells & ruminates on upsetting things from the past …and the list goes on and on…   Ever noticed that your mind is not always your friend!   The good news is that this is normal (surprisingly) and that Read More