Do The Next Right Thing

Do the next right thing - signposts

  We all go off track…   I heard the following this week…” I worked so hard and was perfect on my eating plan and the scale is still up! This just isn’t worth it.”   This is normal and part of every journey.   A more helpful response is: “Even if I’ve adhered to my eating and exercise program, the scale won’t go down every week, let alone every day. Just keep doing what I’m doing- moving in the right direction towards good healthy choices as much as possible”.   Especially regarding health, well-being and maintaining a healthy weight…it is Read More

You Need To Do This Daily

You Need To Do This Daily - a heart-shaped earth

So, what is this one thing you need to do daily to be able to stay on track and continuously move in the direction of health and well-being? It’s not what you think…   It is BEING KIND TO YOURSELF! Not what you expected, right?   Most of us are very hard on ourselves and tend to notice more about what we get wrong rather than what we get right. This brings us down and when feeling down, we will find it harder to do what is good, right & healthy.   Give yourself a break! Regularly… How often? ALWAYS   Give yourself credit Read More