Hungry, Thirsty or Craving – Part 1

Hungry Thirsty or Craving - young child drinking greedily

Hungry, Thirsty or Craving – Part 1 For many years, I used to mistakenly think I was hungry when actually I was thirsty. Thirst, hunger and cravings can be easily confused!  This 1-minute snippet will focus briefly on thirst…the next two snippets will highlight hunger and cravings. The next time you are feeling hungry, check if you are actually thirsty…your body often confuses being thirsty with hunger! Drink a glass or two of water…and then wait 20 mins. See how you feel then.  This simple change, as well as making sure that you drink enough water throughout the day, could lead to Read More

What Are Your Struggles & How Can I Help You More?

touching hands

You may have noticed by now that you receive a weekly health & well-being short 1-minute email on most Sunday mornings. I am hoping that you find them helpful? And thanks to those who give occasional feedback. It is much appreciated. But I would like to be even more helpful…  Let me know what you struggle most with so I can make sure that my weekly 1-minute emails are of great use…  Do you struggle most with: Emotional eating…eating for other reasons such as boredom, anxiety, stress, loneliness etc? Managing cravings and strong urges for sugary, salty and/or fatty foods? Getting back on Read More

How You See Yourself Is Extremely Important!

who are you

How You See Yourself Is Extremely Important! Change is hard. You’ve probably noticed that! We all want to become healthier people but even if we get really inspired and start doing things better, it’s tough to actually stick to new behaviours. James Clear  in his famous book, ‘Atomic Habits’ says that the following can make change easier: Believe in a new healthy identity and then prove it to yourself.  To change your behaviour for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself. You need to build identity-based habits.  Many people mistakenly begin the process of changing their habits by focusing on what  they want Read More

Mindful or Mindless Eating?

mindful eating

Mindful or Mindless Eating? Most of us tend to go about much of our lives on automatic pilot. This is a challenge for most human beings to live as conscious a life as possible…living with as much awareness & presence as possible. This lack of awareness also applies to how we manage our health, well-being as well as our relationship to eating food. When it comes to eating, this can often be quite a rushed experience for many, with little attention on the experience of noticing and appreciating the food being eaten. For instance, many of us may eat whilst doing something else Read More

The Tortoise and the Hare…How to Succeed?

the hare

The Tortoise and the Hare…How to Succeed? Most of us remember the famous childhood story of the tortoise and the hare where the tortoise continues to move very slowly but without stopping and finally it wins the race. The moral lesson of the story is that you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily rather than by acting quickly and carelessly.   What Can We Learn from the Tortoise & the Hare? Lesson 1: Slow and steady wins the race. This statement has been used multiple times throughout my life and probably yours, but it has so much truth. .. Lesson Read More

The Best Medicine Lifestyle

Life balance choices signpost, with sunrise

The Best Medicine Lifestyle   What is the best medicine?   Many believe it is a good simple healthy balanced lifestyle!   If you get this right, then many physical and emotional difficulties are minimised! In fact, with most of my clients, before we even begin focusing on the specific problem they have, we make sure to do as much as possible to make sure their life is as balanced as possible (not perfect, but just in better balance).   The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine is a group of professionals that believe that Lifestyle medicine can improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and Read More

Diet Mentality Doesn’t Work…But This Does!


Diet Mentality Doesn’t Work…But This Does!   Where is your focus?   Diet Mentality vs Health Mentality   Unfortunately for many people who struggle with maintaining a healthy balanced weight, the focus is on dieting, losing weight & looking better. This can cause a lifetime of underlying dissatisfaction, anxiety, low mood and low self-esteem.   Many people with this ‘Diet Mentality’, focus most of their attention on what they do not like about themselves, how much they weigh and view foods as either good or bad. They may also try and focus their goal on losing weight by dieting and trying Read More