Louise Cooke
I am a highly experienced Holistic Therapist, Kinesiologist, Emotion and Body Code Practitioner.
I also work with children with Developmental Delay, academic and social difficulties.
Before doing this, I worked for many years as a social worker in mental health services later I moved into working in the NHS psychotherapy services for 5 years, teaching many staff a new brief therapy, Cognitive Analytic Therapy.
I became a Kinesiologist after visiting a Kinesiology practitioner who helped me with severe digestive problems and numerous food allergies which I had suffered with for 12 years.
I then met an Educational Kinesiologist who worked with my son. The impact on him was dramatic, over a period of months issues that we had been struggling with for years were resolved as he started to understand what he was reading and became able to express himself on paper. I later discovered a new therapy called Rhythmic Movement Therapy that was very effective for children with Developmental delay.
Type of Therapy offered
- Food Intolerance Testing
- Kinesiology for Structural,
- Emotional and Chemical Issues
- The Emotion and Body Code
- Educational Kinesiology
- Rhythmic Movement Therapy
Kinesiology is an amazing therapy as it can assess the body for nutritional/ chemical, structural and emotional disturbances. What I like about Kinesiology it is tangible, my clients can see and feel through muscle testing what emotion, or food is deleterious to the body and also what is helpful and strengthening to the body systems.
Whatever clients come in with in the way of physical problems we look at emotions, because the disease has often an emotional root cause.
With emotional problems, we often look at the gut because it’s there you make serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and most of your neurotransmitters.
When I work with children I look at is retained infant reflexes. If the reflexes that support a baby are retained in later life they can stop the child from developing as they should
Who I work with
My adult clients come with many issues, commonly digestion problems, poor mood, back pain and skin conditions, Also anxiety, IBS, chronic fatigue, insomnia, back pain, as well as emotional and stress-related problems.
I have test kits for food intolerances, hay fever, animal allergies and vaccinations and the technique to change how the body responds to food or other intolerances.
I use the Emotion Code and Body Code to release emotions that are trapped in the body.
I work with children with developmental delay often looking at retained infant reflexes which if retained stop the child from developing as they should.
Further Information
Touch for Health Kinesiology instructor, Brain Gym® Instructor, Educational Kinesiology consultant, Rhythmic Movement training consultant.