Diet Mentality Doesn’t Work…But This Does!


Diet Mentality Doesn’t Work…But This Does!


Where is your focus?


Diet Mentality vs Health Mentality


Unfortunately for many people who struggle with maintaining a healthy balanced weight, the focus is on dieting, losing weight & looking better.

This can cause a lifetime of underlying dissatisfaction, anxiety, low mood and low self-esteem.


Many people with this ‘Diet Mentality’, focus most of their attention on what they do not like about themselves, how much they weigh and view foods as either good or bad.

They may also try and focus their goal on losing weight by dieting and trying to do this as quickly as possible. This quick-fix approach to losing weight is normally short-lived with most people being unable to sustain the weight loss.


What many people find more helpful, is rather shifting their focus towards health and well-being.


Health Mentality vs Diet Mentality

 “I approach my health, well-being and maintaining a healthy balanced weight from a kindly compassionate perspective. Rather than focusing on dieting, restricting myself and trying to get to a specific weight, I shift my focus towards health and well-being. I work towards a long-term sustainable way of living that is balanced and enjoyable where health is the focus. I make small daily health-focused decisions that show that I am a healthy person. “


My teachings, e-books, online courses, coaching sessions and memberships are all about focusing on Health & Well-being rather than focusing on weight, diets or needing to look a certain way.


I encourage my students to aim at working gradually towards a lifelong sustainable healthy lifestyle. This includes healthy eating and activity for life.


So, I teach people how to eat and exercise in a really healthy way for the rest of their lives. Not just a temporary health kick.



Make that Shift!