The Awesome Power of Affirmations

The Awesome Power of Affirmations


Guess what…we use affirmations all the time…


We are constantly thinking and telling ourselves a story…


Much of our thinking is automatic and unfortunately quite negative…worries, planning, rumination, dwelling and self-critical thinking.


Given that thoughts are powerful, why not take a little time to focus on how you would like life to be.




Daily affirmations offer a constant reminder of what you’re capable of and what you deserve. Staying focused on your wants and desires can help turn those ideals into reality.” ( Institute For Integrative Nutrition )

Try out the following Affirmations for Health and Well-being

  • I am worthy of a healthy body.
  • I treat myself self-compassionately by looking after my health & body.
  • I deserve to be in good health and feel good about myself.
  • I honour my body by trusting the signals that it sends me.
  • I accept myself the way I am.
  • I am grateful for my current state of health as well as my amazing body
  • My health & weight may fluctuate from day to day, and that’s okay.


How to Practice Daily Affirmations:

  • Write them down
  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive and focus on exactly what you want
  • Repeat them often
  • Read or say them out aloud
  • Visualise yourself living your affirmations


For a Free Workbook on creating your unique affirmations and staying motivated, download your FREE guide hereThe Lighthouse Technique.

(This is one of the chapters of my soon to be published e-book).