Dreams & Vision

This year I will diary page

2020 is upon us…

What would you love to be doing in the year ahead?

Something I have always struggled with is keeping focused on my dreams and vision.

Poverty to Abundance

I had heard about Jim Carrey and how he came to do what he loved and how he managed to go from poverty to a life of abundance. Following his career in comedy, he has moved more into matters of the heart and being connected to what really matters in life.

Watch this short inspiring clip about Jim Carrey and how he came to do what he loved.


It is thought-provoking, moving and inspiring

‘Set a goal, envision it & wish it with all your heart.

Never let go of your dream & watch it come true in front of you’.

dreams and vision

Using thoughts in a helpful way can make a difference in what manifests in our lives. It’s a challenge but learning to use the mind in ways that take us above the daily repetitive thinking is what it’s about for me….thoughts of :

  • Gratitude…noticing and focusing on the abundance that is present in our lives
  • Self-compassion…thoughts of what is good about oneself.
  • Affirmations…statements about what you wish to be in your life
  • Visualisation…imagining the life you wish to live.
  • Balanced thoughts…thoughts that are true, accurate and rational
  • Letting go of thoughts…reminding oneself that thoughts are just thoughts and it may not be that helpful to focus more on these current anxiety-provoking thoughts.

dreams and vision

Wishing you well as you move into a fresh new year. May you be blessed with much happiness and health. May your dreams become a reality and may you have deeply connected and meaningful relationships.